Friday, January 9, 2009

-Me and My new Life-

*My 10 Damn Commanment*

1)No Hang my head off
2) Stop damaging my lungs
3) Love myself
4) get up early
5) stop cursing someonelses life
6) stop being such a b*cth
7) Try to be nice
8) Stop going to the club
9) forget about him
10) get him out of my head

*My Secret*

"Can't tell you guys coz it's a secret"

*My Vision*

Say less but nothing, see more but something, do more but everything, think wise but stupidity, do well but failing...
and my conclusion is...i dont know...

*My World*

Just leave me with my dream stop bugging me andjust shut up and see..

*My Hatred*

People who judge with confidence

*My Motto*

"just shut up and do ur work"

*The Best Part About Me*


*My New Boyfriend*


*My Conclusion*

"Just shut up have fun with your life"

-Then again, i"ll think back with my 10 commanment-

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